The Networking Platform for the World's Top Project Cargo Specialists

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March 2021 edition of our Digital Newsletter

1st March 2021

March 2021 edition of our Digital Newsletter
March 2021 edition of our Digital Newsletter

Please click here to read the latest edition of our Digital Newsletter, with a fantastic front cover featuring a joint project handled by Fortune International (Italy) and ITS International (Switzerland).

I am pleased to hear that at such a challenging time, PCN Members have managed to rise and navigate through the COVID-19 crisis. In fact, many of you have told me about record profits! When many projects were put on hold, you have explored and secured new income streams and extended your portfolio of services. I know this is not the case for all, so I hope as travel and projects start back up and economies start to improve, you will all see business increase during 2021. According to the IMF, global trade levels are projected to reach pre-COVID levels this year. So let’s certainly hope that we are through the worst of the pandemic with the vaccine rollouts.

Did you know our global network now comprises of 262 specialist companies in 115 countries? The largest we have ever been! Log-in to our Members Area to see a full company profile for each Member.

Our industry has always been about building solid relations with agents and customers, so we are looking forward to getting back to meeting face-to-face.

We know from experience that a network like ours sees a higher success rate and increased internal business after our gatherings. Meeting face-to-face and building closer relationships (and friendships) is a valuable tool in forwarding, which shouldn't be underestimated. Knowing who you are speaking to, personally, automatically builds confidence.

However, there is now a permanent place for online meetings and our new Meeting Center (launching soon!) will allow our Members to connect virtually using the platforms that have now become an essential part of daily life including Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, and WhatsApp.

We are feeling optimist and hopefully that we will get to meet with all our PCN friends in October in Croatia (read more). We will be reviewing the situation and making a final decision at the end of May, so that we can provide enough notice for travel arrangements.

For now, please enjoy this issue, it’s packed with over 25 pages of news and projects from our Members, plus updates from the Head Office.

Stay safe and take care.

Kind regards,

Rachel Crawford FCILT