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Recruiting, Retaining & Training Staff in Project Logistics

9th August 2017

Recruiting, Retaining & Training Staff in Project Logistics
Recruiting, Retaining & Training Staff in Project Logistics

Our new eLearning Platform features in the article "Talent: Hard to Recruit and Harder to Retain" from the July/August 2017 issue of HLPFI magazine.

The article addresses the challenges faced when recruiting, retaining and training staff in project logistics. Read article.

We all know that it can cost a significant amount in both time and money to train new staff and at the back of your mind, you may wonder if the investment will be wasted if they then leave the company.

By providing access to online training we are helping reduce both your time and money.

We provide the theoretical education and you handle the practical training in day-to-day work.

Another aspect that we particularly love about our new eLearning platform is that comprehensive industry training is now accessible to staff in emerging markets.

Our eLearning Platform helps to put everyone on a level playing field when it comes to learning the theoretical side of heavy transport and heavy lift.

Please feel free to watch a sample video from our eLearning Platform here:

Since its launch just under 2 months ago, over 60 users have signed up and although it is ideal for staff who are at the beginning of their career, as the training is comprehensive, senior level professionals also benefit from the practical, scenario and video based course as it encourages reflection on current practices.

Please click here to read our eLearning Brochure. To enrol, please complete this form. Each user will receive their own personal log-in so that they can train at their own pace with no deadlines.

We hope you find this a valuable addition to your PCN membership.