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Fortune International Transport Load Fully Chartered Vessel

16th September 2021

Fortune International Transport Load Fully Chartered Vessel
Fortune International Transport Load Fully Chartered Vessel

Italian members, Fortune International Transport have loaded a fully chartered vessel with 10 OOG pieces (diameters over 7m and heights of over 5m).

Paolo Federici at Fortune explains; "We who are of a certain age remember, with nostalgia, the times when to load a ship, it was necessary to know how to prepare a suitable stowage plan. We had a list of crates, cages and units of the most diverse sizes and each package has its own peculiarities (not stackable, not loadable on deck, to be handled only with the forklift, to be fixed on board, etc) so it was necessary to make precise calculations to load everything correctly. We also had to take into account the heavy weights to properly balance the ship.

Back then, there were no schools that taught the art of shipping. Of course, having done scientific studies could be of great help - knowing mathematics and geometry, calculating volumes, evaluating the incidence of weight per sqm etc. Everything was very important and you could not go wrong. A wrong calculation meant that, at the time of boarding, a certain box did not enter the space provided and everything had to be done all over again. Then someone had a brilliant idea - if the packaging becomes all the same, loading a ship becomes child's play and therefore, the container was born. However, there is still cargo that cannot travel in containers - pieces that have exceptional measurements or weights. So, for these expeditions, we must go back to the shipping artists!

Fortune International Transport is one of these shipping artists and this is the latest in a long series of projects we've handled managing plants. This project involved around ten packages with OOG measurements. Once they arrive in Italy (they will disembark in Chioggia), they will continue to Mantua and then make the final stretch by road on special trucks, duly escorted and with the suitable permits, traveling at night. We will need to dismantle traffic lights and remove other obstacles along the route.

The photos below show the loading. The ship was entirely chartered by Fortune International Transport and the loading plan was planned and studied in our Milan office, just as it once was."