The Networking Platform for the World's Top Project Cargo Specialists

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End of Year Message 2020

1st December 2020

End of Year Message 2020
End of Year Message 2020

Dear PCN Members & Friends,

Who would have thought this time last year that I would be writing my End of Year message in the midst of a global pandemic?

It has been an incredibly challenging year and has uniquely tested the strength of our companies and also our ability to adapt and work together in extraordinary circumstances.

However, I feel that together PCN has pulled through and with all we have learnt, we will secure an even more exciting and positive future. We have been amazed by the flexibility, tenacity and creativity that our Members have shown as they have navigated the challenges of the year.

We just need to keep going and not forget that we will be back to normal, or a variation of normal soon. I would personally like to thank you all so much for your support.

Although the COVID pandemic has sent shockwaves through the freight industry, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) predict a return to growth in 2021 and highlight the need for the transport industry to brace for change and be prepared for a transformed post-COVID world.

“The global shipping industry will be at the forefront of efforts towards a sustainable recovery, as a vital enabler of the smooth functioning of international supply chains. The pandemic strengthened the case for digitalization.” UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi said.

This is why we are currently working hard on some new features to enhance your membership during 2021 and thereafter, which will enable easier and more effective virtual communication for our Members. We have also designed a fresh new look Membership Certificate for 2021 (see example) and a matching eLearning version. As now is the perfect time for online training, maybe it is the time to get yours? Read more.

We will be holding our 2nd Virtual Meeting Week from 1-5 March 2021. Registration for the free event will open on 1 February. You can read about our previous event online here.

Of course, we very much look forward to seeing you all in person again for some much needed and long awaited 10th anniversary celebrations and face-to-face networking at our gathering in Croatia – read more.

For now, we wish you all the best over the holiday season and for a much better start to 2021.

Stay safe and take care.

Kind regards,

Rachel Crawford FCILT