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Another Smooth Project Move from Goodrich & CMX Global

7th August 2020

Another Smooth Project Move from Goodrich & CMX Global
Another Smooth Project Move from Goodrich & CMX Global

Goodrich and CMX Global Logistics have been involved in another project cargo move together from Australia to Kazakhstan. This time, it was 4 x 37mt gearboxes (each with dimensions of 2.8 x 2.6 x 3.5m) and 32 x SOC containers, all on ex-works basis.

"With shipping lines not keen in carrying the gearboxes on 40'FRs because of the small cargo print, CMX arranged the units on a RO-RO carrier to Xingang but not before meeting a lot of obstacles in terms of blank sailing and late callings by various operators. However, CMX was spot on with finding the right vessel at the right time and importantly arranging cranes, trucks, lashing and securing for the pick up of the cargo.

Once they arrived at Xingang, Goodrich offloaded the gearboxes and loaded them onto the 4 waiting trucks to embark on the 4,000km journey to the final destination. There were issues at the China-Kazakhstan border with the new rules and regulations in place where only designated drivers are allowed to enter the others territory for cargo pick ups. There were 100km border queues at one point, making the delivery unrealistic with the time frame set by the client. However, the queues subsided and finally, the cargo was delivered for this ongoing project on time. On the Kazakhstan side of the border, 2 units were loaded in each truck at 74mt per truck.

Excellent coordination between the various parties enabled the entire process to run smoothly. For the project, we have a seller in South Africa, a final consignee in Kazakhstan with the shipment from Australia and passing through China, so effectively we were dealing with 3 different time zones in these difficult times of pandemic to ensure the cargo delivery was not affected.

The 32 SOC containers were sourced by CMX and then shipped to a transit port in China as Goodrich had booked a block train in advance to ensure they would all arrive at the same time at the destination."

Another example of their reliable services and the strong collaboration between Goodrich and CMX!